Author Archives: iz7auh

Schema di funzionamento XLX991

Posted on December 5, 2019 in Uncategorized by iz7auh


Posted on February 11, 2018 in D-STAR, DMR, Tutorial by iz7auh

Carissimi amici amanti del Digitale, in questa guida vi aiuterò a creare un sistema di TRANSCODIFICA DMR<>XLX DSTAR, con l’introduzione da parte di Luc LX1IQ, della versione 2.0 si è aperto un nuovo scenario in cui, grazie ad apposito hardware è possibile interconnettere il sistema DMR con i moduli DSTAR XLX, personalmente, mi sono dotato di una coppia di chiavette USB (DoongleThumbDV™ DV3000U prodotte dalla NW Digital Radio, reperibili all’indirizzo, grazie ad esse, obbligatoriamente a coppia è possibile creare la transcodifica su un singolo modulo, con una spesa di circa 260,00 EURO (oneri doganali e IVA) potrete condividere un modulo del vostro XLX. Questo articolo sarà aggiornato con nuove funzionalità, in quanto il progetto è in continua evoluzione, non mi resta altro che augurarvi buona lettura!

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Come creare un Reflector YSF

Posted on February 11, 2018 in Tutorial, Wires-X by iz7auh

Carissimi amici, tra le tante sperimentazioni svolte in questi mesi mi sono divertito a creare due YSFReflector, rispettivamente IT C4FM SUD / ITALY-SUD DTMF 12624 ( IT C4FM PUGLIA / C4FM Puglia Italy DMTF 14115 ( questi due YSFReflector non sono attualmente interconnessi alle Room Wires-X ufficiali, in quanto è necessario di idoneo hardware, di cui vi parlerò in un altro articolo, la loro messa in attività è puramente a scopo di sperimentazione e spero che possano essere utili in un futuro per essere utilizzati dai sistemi MMDVM .
Di seguito vi spiego step2step come realizzararne uno, potete usare un sever Cloud oppure un semplicissimo Raspberry. Buona lettura!

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Posted on February 11, 2018 in Tutorial, Wires-X by iz7auh

Risultati immagini per wiresxAvendo impegnato il mio IP e relative porte IDP 46100-46122 verso la HRI-200 connessa al ripetitore Yaesu DR-1X (IR7C 145.700MHz) e volendo installare un Nodo “cittadino” mi sono imbattuto nella problematica relativa alla condivisione delle suddette porte UDP necessarie affinché il software Wires-X possa funzionare.

Per la risoluzione di questa problematica, affinché nodo e ripetitore possano coesistere su stessa connessione internet con singolo IP pubblico, è quello di “prendere in giro” il software e farlo girare su altra connessione internet, nel mio caso quella del mio ufficio, e raggiungere da remoto il nodo, HRI-200 e FTM-100. 

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Posted on July 8, 2017 in Nuovi Eqipaggiamenti, Tutorial by iz7auh

Iniziata una nuova esperienza per la mia attività da radioamatore, nell’ambito del Digitale, nello specifico nelle comunicazioni DSTAR & DMR. Presto sarà attiva una sezione dedicata con articoli e informazioni utili per chi vuole avvicinarsi a questo mondo.

73 de IZ7AUH Frank

Contest 40/80 IZ7AUH SDG

Posted on December 11, 2016 in Contest by iz7auh

I operated as IZ7AUH during this weekend on Contest Italia 40/80, I choose a SDG (Single Operetor Digital) I make about 3 hours of activity, looking below some stats.


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Posted on October 14, 2012 in DXing by iz7auh

TNX NG3K, ARRL, OPDX, DXNL, ICPO Bulletin & Six Italia


                              RED       = Important operation

                          BLUE     = Delayed or cancelled

                         GREEN  = Details not yet fixed








QSL Info


3A Monaco Nov 9 – Nov 17 ON5UR will be /3A

ON8AK will be /3A

3B9 Rodriguez Island Oct 16 – Oct 23 Members of the HB9FR group will be on as 3B9SP HB9ACA dir & OQRS
3D2 Fiji Oct 8 – Oct 14 PT2OP will sign 3D2OP H.C. dir & bur
3D2 Fiji Oct 11 – Oct 15 3D2AS, 3D2XC, 3D2ZY, 3D2XB will be on  
3D2 Fiji Oct 27 – Nov 3 PY2PT will sign 3D2PT H.C. dir & bur


Montenegro Now – 2012 end 4O60GBP special call 4O3Z


Sri Lanka Nov 9 – Mar 9 DC0KK will be again on frequency as 4S7KKG mainly CW & digi H.C: bur & die


Tanzania Sep 23 – Oct 13 DL7VSN will be on as 5H1HS & 5H1HS/3 H.C.


Tanzania Oct 2 – Oct 17 OH2NNE will sign 5H2DK H.C


Tanzania Oct 8 – Oct 15 WB0VGI will be in HF as 5H3NP H.C.
5R Madagascar Nov 10 Dec 9 F6ICX will sign again 5R8IC H.C.


Niger Oct 1 – Oct 15 F6EXV as 5U6E and DJ8NK  as 5U8NK will be on H.C.


Togo Oct 26 – Nov 5 ON4CIT will be active as 5V7TH Dir, bur & LoTW


Uganda Oct 17 – Dec 10 G3RWF will be again in 5X and will sign 5X1NH all bands/modes  


Kenya Nov 5 – Nov 22 SM1TDE will be /5Z4 H.C.


Kenya Oct 27 – Oct 28 5Z4EE will be in the contest NV7E
5Z Kenya Oct 27 – Oct 28

Nov 24 – Nov 25

NV7E will be in the contest as 5Z4EE H.C. dir & bur


Senegal Oct 17 – Oct 18 F5VHJ will be on as 6W1RY H.C.dir bur  LoTW


Senegal Oct 22 – Nov 3 RK4FF will be on as 6V7S H.C.


Algeria Jul 1 – Dec 31 7T50I, 7V50I, 7W50I & 7Y50I special calls will be on See QRZ


Barbados Now – Oct 17 G3RWL will be on as 8P6DR H.C.


Barbados Oct 27 – Oct 28 8P6SH will be in the contest KU9C


Barbados Oct 27 – Oct 28 8P2K will be in the contest KU9C


Barbados Oct 27 – Oct 28 8P5A will be in the contest NN1N


Maldives Oct 29 – Nov 11 G3VDB as 8Q7EJ H.C.


Malta Oct 27 – Oct 28

Nov 24 – Nov 25

HA5PP will sign 9H3PP in the contest H.C.


Zambia 2011 – 2012 ZS6RI is active as 9J2RI during his several visits in Zambia H.C. dir & bur & LoTW


Zambia NOW JA7SGV is on as 9J2JA mainly CW H.C.


Zambia Oct 19 – Oct 22 ZS6AYU will be on as 9J2GR H.C. dir & bur
9M2  W. Malaysia Now – Oct 15 JA1XXI is on /9M2 H.C.


Qatar Oct 27 – Oct 28 A73A team will be in the contest EA7FTR


Taiwan Oct 27 – Oct 28 BX5AA will be in the contest H.C. dir


China Oct 27 – Oct 28 BY5CD team will be in the contest BD4HF dir & bur


Gambia Oct 27 – Oct 28 C5A will be a group active in the WW contes OM2FY
C6 Bahamas Oct 24 – Oct 31 C6AZZ by KQ8Z H.C.
C6 Bahamas Oct 27 – Oct 28 C6AQQ will be in the contest LoTW
C6 Bahamas Nov 4 – Nov 9 W9XY will sign C6AXY H.C. dir


Mozambique NOW – 2013 end ZS1WY is active as C91IW H.C.


Chile Oct 27 – Oct 28 3G3W will be in the contest XQ4CW


Morocco Now – Oct 21 5D7AT special call from Agadir ON4LO



Oct 22 – Oct 31

WA4DAN & AAVK will be on Sable  


Angola NOW – 2013 CT1FJZ is active as D2FJZ and will stay in D2 for one year H.C.


Germany Now – Dec end DP87SIXD, DP775BLN and DQ775BLN

Special calls



Canary Islands Oct 15 – Oct 18 DL3FCG will be on  /EA8 H.C.


Ceuta & Melilla Oct 27 – Oct 28 DF4SA,EA7HZ,EA7JB,EA7LS,EA7RU, EA9LZ and HA1AG will be on as ED9Z the CQWW DX SSB Contest EA9LZ


Tajikistan Oct 27 – Oct 28 EY8MM will be in the contest K1BV
FH   Mayotte Oct 4 – Oct 19 F6AML will be on as TO2M

H.C. dir & bur



Martiniwue Oct 27 – Oct 28 S53R will be in the contest as TO9R

S53R dir & LoTW



F. Pollynesia Oct 6 – Nov 8 F6BCW is on as TX5EG from OC-067 from different islands H.C. dir & bur


Reunion Sep 26 – Oct 21 DJ7RJ will be again on from Reunion all bands SSB & CW H.C. dir


Isle of Man Oct 27 – Oct 28 G3RXQ will sign GD3RXQ during the contest H.C.
H4 Solomon Oct 17 – Dec 10 DL2GAC will be on all bands SSB as H44MS H.C.


Hungary    Oct – Nov HG20IPA special call all bands and modes HA3JB


Liechtenstein Oct 8 – Oct 14 PA4N will be /HB= H.C.


Korea Oct 26 – Oct 29 D9K team will be active from AS-060 DS4NYE



Oct 7 – Oct 24

Oct 26 – Nov 4

ON4AFU will be again on as

HS0ZJF/8 from AS-101 and

HS0ZJF/9 from AS-129

H.C. dir & bur


Thailand Oct 7 – Oct 24 ON4AFU will be on as HS0ZJF/8 from AS-101 CW only H.C.


Grenada Oct 27 – Oct 28 KS5Z plans to be in the contest /J3  


Dominica Oct 14 – Nov 7 DL8WEM will sign J79WE mainly CW H.C.


Japan Oct 13 – Oct 16 Several operators will sign /1 from AS-043 H.C. dir & bur


Japan Now – Nov 3 8J2YDU special call Bureau


Japan Now – Oct 21 8J4HAM special call Bureau


Japan Now – Nov 11 8J4SINWA special call Bureau


Japan Now – Dec 31 8J50YAXM special call Bureau


Minami Torishima Now – Oct 16 JF1MTO is on /JD1 H.C.


Svalabard  Now – Nov 30 LA2US works in JW and will operate as JW2US H.C.


Svalabard  Now – Oct 15 LA9DL, LA6VM & LA7XK will sign

JW9DL, JW6VM & JW7XK will be also on in SAC SSB as JW5X



Guantanamo Oct 11 – Oct 17 W4WV & KN4KL will be on as KG4WV & KG4KL H.C.


Mariana Oct 13 – Oct 15 JA1FMN will be on during holiday H.C.


Mariana Oct 18 – Oct 22 JA1NVF, JF7ELG, JJ2VLY and JQ2GYUMainly CW & SSB  


Guam OCT – NOV N2NL will be in several contest as NH2T LoTW & dir only W2YC


Guam Oct 27 – Oct 28 KG6DX will be in the contest LoTW & H.C.


SAMOA Oct 23 – Oct 29 JA2ZL will be /KH8 H.C. dir & bur


SAMOA Nov 8 – Nov 19 N6MW & others will be on /KH8  


Wake Now – 2013 WA2YUN is on /KH9 K2PF dir only


Virgin Islands Oct 9 – Oct 16 NM2O will be /KP2 and as KP2M /KP2 H.C,




Virgin Islands Oct 27 – Oct 28 NQ3X will sign /KP2 in the contest H.C.


Virgin Islands Oct 27 – Oct 28 N2TTA will be in the contest as KP2MM LoTW


Argentina Nov 2 – Nov 4 LU1XB should be on from SA-087  


Lebanon Now – Oct 2012 IV3XNF is in UN duty and active /OD5 mainly CW H.C.


Lebanon NOW OD5RW is now active all bands and modes K8NA


Market Reef Oct 27 – Oct 28 OJ0B will be in the contest LoTW & OH2BH


Market Reef Oct 27 – Oct 28 OJ0X will be in the contest LoTW & OH2BH


Belgium Apr 14 – Dec 31 Special call ON100TT ON4WDL


Belgium NOW  – Dec 31 Special call ON85RCL ON3AR


Belgium NOW  – Dec 31 Special call ON500MERCATOR ON7KO


Denmark Oct 4 – Oct 12 PA1H & PA7PA will sign /OZ from EU-172 H.C. dir & bur


Papua N.Guinea NOW P29FR is often on frequency I2RFJ


Papua New Guinea Oct 20 – Oct 24 G3KHZ, SM6CVX, HB9BXE, K5WQG, DL6KVA will be on as P29VCX from OC-103 SM6CVX


Papua New Guinea Oct 27 – Oct 31 G3KHZ, SM6CVX, HB9BXE, K5WQG, DL6KVA will be on as P29NI from OC-099 G3KHZ


Papua New Guinea Nov 2 – Nov 4 SM6CVX, HB9BXE, K5WQG, DL6KVA will be on  from OC-069  


Papua New Guinea Nov 6 – Nov 9 SM6CVX, will be on  from OC-135 signing P29CVX H.C.


Papua New Guinea Nov 9 – Nov 12 SM6CVX, will be on  from OC-205 signing P29CVX H.C.




Papua New Guinea Nov 9 – Nov 12 SM6CVX, will be on  from OC-240 signing P29CVX H.C.


Aruba Oct 17 – Oct 21 P40Z will be in use by DF7ZS H.C.
P4 Aruba Oct 27 – Oct 28 Nov 24 – Nov 25 W2GD will be active as P40W in the contest N2MM & LoTW


Netherlands SEPT PC12WSF special call PA0FAW


Netherlands Oct 4 – Oct 31 PB100PREFIX special call PB0P


Netherlands Oct 4 – Oct 12 PA1H & PA7PA will be /OZ from EU-172 H.C. dir & bur


Bonaire Nov 9 – Nov 17 PE2MC will be on /PJ4 H.C.


Saba Oct 1 – Nov 1 G4IUF will be /PJ6 H.C.


F.Josef Land NOW RI1FJ is often active on different bands mainly CW UA2FM


Seychelles Oct 21 – Nov 4 I5IHE, IK5RUN and I5OYY will
be on as S79LC, S79UN and S79YY,  from AF-024
H.C. dir & LoTW


Egypt Oct 18 – Oct 22 SU55J special call SM5ADQ


Crete Jul 1 – Dec 31 SX9S special call SV9AUE dir & bur


Crete Oct 5 – Oct 15 DL9USA will be on as SW9C H.C. dir & bur
T30 W.Kiribati Oct 16 – Oct 25 9 PY operators will be on as T30PY & T30SIX PY2PT dir & bur OQRS


Palau Oct 26 – Oct 30 JF2SKV will be on as T88KV all bands/modes also in contest H.C:


Palau Oct 27 – Oct 28 T88EB will be in the contest JH1EAQ


Iceland Oct 27 – Oct 28 TF3CW will be in the contest LX1NO dir only
TI Costarica Oct 27 – Oct 28 TI8M team will be in the contest  


Congo NOW – 2012 TN9SN is active for one year IZ1BZV


Gabon NOW TR8CA is again active mainly 21 CW F6CBC


Chad Oct 1 – Oct 31 Italian group will be on as TT8TT I2YSB


Russia (A) September RV3EFH is active /0 from AS-042 H.C.
V3 Belize Oct 27 – Oct 28 V31MW will be in the contest N0HJZ
V4 St Kitts Oct 12 – Nov 1 W5JON from NA-104 as V47JA, W5HAM willsign V47HAM W5JON & LoTW


Marshall NOW WH0AI is active as V73AX and has applied for the call V73AI H.C.




Australia Oct 18 – Oct 23 JA1NLX will be /VK4 from OC-160 H.C. only dir


Australia Nov 9 – Nov 13 VK6WDI group will be on with 2 stations from OC-170 VK6YS dir only


Christmas Oct 6 – Oct 12 OH2YY will be again on

OH1tv will sign VK9XM

H.C. dir & bur
VP2M Montserrat Oct 23 – Oct 30 G4XUM as VP2MXU G3NKC
VP2M Montserrat Oct 27 – Oct 28 VP2MDG will be in the contest K2DM
VP2M Montserrat Nov 5 – Nov 19 DJ7ZG as VP2MGZ and DL7AFS as VP2MYL DL7AFS
VP5 Turks & Caicos Oct 27 – Oct 28 VP5T will be in the contest LoTW
VP5 Turks & Caicos Oct 27 – Oct 28 VQ5X will be in the contest W4OX


S.Shetland NOW RI1ANF is active from King George Island RK1PWA
VP9   Bermuda Oct 27 – Oct 28 N1SV will be in the contest signing VP9I  
VP9   Bermuda Nov 5 – Nov 19 VP9KF will be on mainly CW H.C.
VQ9 Chagos Jul 28 – Nov 15 ND9M as VQ9JC H.C.


Antartica Now – Dec 31 VU3BPZ is on from Bharati base I2HYW
W U.S.A. Oct 15 – Oct 18 SP5APW will be /W4 from NA-034 H.C.
W U.S.A. Oct 21 – Oct 26 K9YNF will be /4 from NA-112 H.C.


Mexico October XE2HUQ and a large group will be on as XF1F from NA-124 H.C.


Macao Oct 18 – Oct 29 EA7FTR as XX9TFR, EA5HPX as XX9TPX, EB5BBM as XX9TBM and EB7DX as XX9TEX EA7FTR


Vietnam Oct 19 – Oct 22 JL7XBN will sign XV29FM  


Afghanistan Sep – Nov DL3ASM will be active as T6SM H.C.


Afghanistan Sep – Feb 2013 LZ1CNN will operate as T6LG all bands CW & SSB LZ1ZF dir & LoTW


Indonesia Nov 1 – Nov 6 YB8XM and other will be on /6 from OC-271 ( New one )  


Vanatu Nov 3 – Nov 10 YJ0AFU will be used by VK4AFU also on 6 M NA5U


Nicaragua Oct 23 – Oct 29 N6GQ will sign YN2AA NN3W dir & LoTW
Z2 Zimbawe Oct 22 – Oct 25 ZS6AYU will sign Z21GF H.C.


S.Sudan NOW K7QI is active as Z81A

YI1DZ is active as Z81D





Niue Sep 8 – Nov 15 ZL1RS will be active VHF as E6RS H.C.


Chatham Nov 1 – Nov 9 JF1OCQ will be on as ZL7A  


Marion  ??? ZS6RGV will be on the island and should get a call and start operations ZS1HF









QSL Info




Tanzania Dec 8 – Dec 15 5H3NP will be the call used by WB0VGI  
5T Mauritania Nov 24 – Dec 10 SP operators will be on as 5T0SP LoTW


Uganda Feb 6 – Feb 18 20 operators of the F6KOP team will be on with 6 stations F1NGP dir, bur & OQRS


Senegal Jan 15 – Jan 18 F6BLP will sign 6W7SK mainly CW H.C. dir bur  LoTW


Lesotho Nov 22 – Dec 3 ZS2DL and other operators will be on all bands and modes as 7P8D Dir only


Maldives Nov 26 – Dec 11 HB9OAU as 8Q7AU H.C.


Burundi Feb 2013 10 Operators will be on with four different stations  


Tobago Nov 24 – Nov 25 N6TJ will be active as 9Y4W DL4MDO dir & bur


Bahamas Dec 7 – Dec 11 K6VVA will be active as C6AVA N6AWD
C6 Bahamas DEC – JAN AK4BM will be C6AGT H.C dir


Philippines  ???? DX0N plans to activate OC-174  


Liberia Nov 21 – Nov 27 Several operators will be on /EL. Will sign EL2A in contest AA7A (EL2NS), G3SXW (EL2A),


Clipperton Mar 1 – Mar 10 KK6EK, N7CQQ, AD6E, W6OP, N7XG and N7CQQ will be on as TX5Q  


St.Martin Nov 20 – Nov 24 K9EL & K9NB will be /FS  


Solomon Feb 18 – Feb 28 G3SWH & G3RTE will be on CW only G3SWH dir bur &OQRS


Solomon Mar 8 – Mar 25 DK1BT DK7LX DL4WK DL7KL DL7DF DL7UFN DL7UFR SP3CYY SP3DOI will be on DL7DF
H40 Temotu Mar 12 – Mar 23 DK1BT DK7LX DL4WK DL7KL DL7DF DL7UFN DL7UFR SP3CYY SP3DOI will be on DL7DF
H40 Temotu Dec 22 – Jan 7 DK9FN will be again on as H40FN HA8DD


Palmyra Postponed from 2011 to Nov 2012 25 operators will be on from Jarvis Island signing probably N5E  


U.S. Virgin Island Nov 24 – Nov 25 N2TTA will be on as KP2MM LoTW


Bonaire Nov 18 – Dec 1 PJ4D call will be again in use all band and modes W3HNK


Saint Maarteen Nov 18 – Nov 24 K1GI as PJ7I (QSL via JG2BRI) and 7L4DXT as PJ7XK  


Saint Maarteen Mar 15 – Mar 23 N0TG AA4VK & N1SNB will be /PJ7 N0TG


St. Peter & Paul Nov 10 – Nov 22 PT0S will be by a group working on all bands and modes HA7RY & QRS


Banaba 12 days between Mar – April T33A will be aired by a group of 14 operators with 6 stations  


Antigua Nov 22 – Nov 26 AA3B will be on as V26K  
V6 Micronesia Nov 23 – Nov 26 JH1DVG will be on as V63JX H.C.
V6 Micronesia Dec 5 – Dec 12 JA1XGI as V63XG LoTW
V8 Brunei Nov 13 – Nov 22 MDX Club will be on as V84SMD all bands and modes with 4 stations IK2VUC
VK9L Lord Howe Nov 17 – Nov 27 OH1VR & OH3JR will be /VK9 all bands and modes H.C. dir


Heard Island Between Jan 1 – Jan 31 2014 Big group will be on

Details will follow 



Turks Nov 20 – Dec 11 W5CW will be again /VP5 H.C.


Nicaragua Nov 20 – Nov 28 AJ9C will be on as YN2CC also during the contest10 H.C.


Cayman Jan 12 – Jan 20 K8PGJ as ZF2PG H.C. & LoTW
ZK1 South Cook Nov 18 – Dec 8 OZ6TL will be signing E51TLA from OC-013 H.C. & LoTW
ZK1 South Cook Nov 12 – Nov 19 ZL2KBR will be on as E51KBR H.C.
ZK1 South Cook Nov 12 – Nov 30 Big HB group will be on as E51C, E51ABS, E51BZD and E51CHX HB9BXU
ZK1 South Cook Dec 10 – Jan 5 5B4AIF will be on as E51E EB7DX


Auckland Nov 17 – Nov 30 VK2IR & VK3YP will be on as ZL9HR

heading a group of nine



Contest, mainly from ARRL Bulletin& WA7BNM



CWops Mini-CWT Test: 1300Z-1400Z, Oct 10 and 1900Z-2000Z, Oct 10 and 0300Z-0400Z, Oct 11
NCCC Sprint: 0230Z-0300Z, Oct 12
Makrothen RTTY Contest: 0000Z-0759Z, Oct 13 and 1600Z-2359Z, Oct 13 and 0800Z-1559Z, Oct 14
Oceania DX Contest, CW: 0800Z, Oct 13 to 0800Z, Oct 14
QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party: 1200Z, Oct 13 to 2400Z, Oct 14
Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB: 1200Z, Oct 13 to 1200Z, Oct 14
Pennsylvania QSO Party: 1600Z, Oct 13 to 0500Z, Oct 14 and 1300Z-2200Z, Oct 14
Arizona QSO Party: 1600Z, Oct 13 to 0600Z, Oct 14 and 1400Z-2359Z, Oct 14
EU Autumn Sprint, CW: 1600Z-1959Z, Oct 13
FISTS Fall Sprint: 1700Z-2100Z, Oct 13
PODXS 070 Club 160m Great Pumpkin Sprint: 2000 local, Oct 13 to 0200 local, Oct 14
North American Sprint, RTTY: 0000Z-0400Z, Oct 14
SKCC Weekend Sprintathon: 0000Z-2359Z, Oct 14
UBA ON Contest, CW: 0600Z-0900Z, Oct 14
ARRL School Club Roundup: 1300Z, Oct 15 to 2400Z, Oct 19



ZL9HR Campbell Island Update

 We’re making great progress during the planning and preparation phases.  The Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia members and the local ham community have pitched in to make this DX-pedition a reality.
Our current status:
6 Meters: We received approval for use of 50 – 51 MHZ.  Some areas in New Zealand use 50 MHZ for television transmission; therefore it is not an Amateur allocation. Since Campbell Island is uninhabited we received a waiver from the NZ authorities to use those frequencies.

Additional Corporate Sponsors signed on since last update:
– Elecraft     – Rojone Pty Ltd     – Amateur Radio Supplies     – OptiBeam
DX Foundation, Club and Individual Sponsors:
The list continues to grow.  Please see the web page for the most current list of supporters


Our equipment is on the way to New Zealand. The gear was packed in crates and prepared for sea shipment from Sydney, Australia to Christchurch, New Zealand. Once through NZ Customs they will be trucked to Invercargill, New Zealand and placed in a storage facility,
arrival at the storage facility is scheduled for Oct. 11th. A bond was posted to get the equipment into New Zealand. In order to reclaim the bond we must remove the equipment from New Zealand upon completion of the DX-pedition.

Quarantine Inspection:
Before any person or equipment lands on Campbell Island an inspection of all personal items and equipment will be conducted by the NZ Department of Conservation.  Our gear will be unpacked at the inspection station in Bluff, NZ on Nov. 24, 2012. Special attention is
placed on items which may contain soil, rocks, stones, insects or other organic material. Boots and shoes must be scrubbed to remove any accumulated soil. Since the boat is used by the DoC for their expeditions were comfortable the boat is prepared for its inspection.

Island Logistics
1.  As you may have seen with other DX-peditions to remote /uninhabited locations once on the island accommodations must be made for meals and sanitary considerations. Fortunately, the New Zealand Department of Conservation has allowed us to use several buildings and
the toilet facilities in one of their buildings. These buildings were part of the weather station that once operated at Beeman Cove; they have been kept in good repair over the years since. Again, we appreciate the DoCs cooperation and assistance to the ZL9HR team.
Sleeping accommodations will be on the boat, the team will shuttleback and forth from the island.
2.  Since the weather will be cold and wet we’ll wear layers and waterproof foul weather clothing.
3.  We’ll bring food, snacks, a medical kit, and other emergency supplies in the event we can’t get back to the boat due to weather conditions.
4.  No trash is permitted to remain on the island; we’ll be carting all refuse back to the boat for proper disposal. The boat is not permitted to empty its sanitary storage tanks while anchored in Perseverance Harbor so the skipper will occasionally take the boat out
to sea to empty the tanks.

5.  There’s been recent Internet chatter about our antennas and their placement. Under the conditions of the landing permit antennas are permitted only in DoC designated spaces, all antennas must be inland.  No antennas are allowed in or near the water, nor are we allowed to walk along the shoreline. While there are some optimum antenna locations on the island they are off limits to the team. Well use vertical antennas for the Low Bands, and weather permitting, a 40 meter beam will be placed on a hill with a drop off towards the sea.

6.  We’ve been advised there may be 2 scientific expeditions on the island while we are operating. The DoC does not anticipate any interaction between the DX-pedition team and the participants of these expeditions.
7.  ZL9HR team member Dave Lloyd, K3EL, prepared some information about our antenna placement and propagation. You may read his articles at:
8.  As previously mentioned, we are governed by the conditions of the DoC issued landing permit, some of those conditions are:
a. Specified number of DX-pedition operating days
b. Antenna field designated by the DoC
c. Other than use of the wharf, no access to the shoreline
d. Team members restricted to island locations indicated on the permit
e. No overnight stays unless the weather prevents return to the boat
f.  Second to personal safety is wildlife awareness and safety are highest priorities
i. Antennas must be marked to avoid bird strikes and ground borne wildlife may not be disturbed
g. Digging, trenching or other defacement / scaring of the land is prohibited.
i. We are permitted to install guy stakes for the antennasupport structures

Team members have made their bookings to and from New Zealand, several will meet in Auckland before the DX-pedition, others will meet in Dunedin and eventually we’ll first meet as a team in Invercargill, NZ on Nov. 23rd.
In closing we want to thank our corporate sponsors, clubs, foundations and individuals who have provided products and funding to make the activation of Campbell Island a reality after a long radio silence.

Next update in late October.

Gene K5GS and the ZL9HR team



Posted on October 14, 2012 in DXing by iz7auh

13 October 2012 A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 1119
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
******* CALENDAR *******
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

till 13/10 5H1HS (AF-032) and 5H1HS/3: Tanzania 1116
till 13/10 N#A: North American QRP CW Club anniversary 1117
till 13/10 XF1F: San Francisco Island (NA-124) 1111
till 14/10 3D2AS, 3D2OP, 3D2PT: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji 1118
till 14/10 3D2XB and 3D2XC: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji 1118
till 14/10 DK2RMP/p: Usedom Island (EU-129) 1117
till 14/10 HB0/PA4N: Liechtenstein 1117
till 14/10 PD/DO1BEN: Texel Island (EU-038) 1117
till 14/10 W4/SP5APW: Amelia Island (NA-138) 1118
till 15/10 5U5U, 5U6E and 5U8NK: Niger 1117
till 15/10 9M2/JA1XXI: West Malaysia 1117
till 15/10 9M8DX: East Malaysia 1119
till 15/10 JW9DL, JW6VM, JW7XK, JW5X: Svalbard (EU-026) 1118
till 15/10 TX5EG: Huahine (OC-067), French Polynesia 1119
till 15/10 UA0LCZ/p: Popov Island (AS-066) 1119
till 16/10 MX0LDG: Lundy Island (EU-120) 1109
till 16/10 OJ0R: Market Reef (EU-053) 1119
till 16/10 TT8TT: Chad 1114
till 19/10 TO2M: Mayotte (AF-027) 1117
till 21/10 5D7AT: special callsign (Morocco) 1119
till 24/10 HS0ZJF/8: Koh Samui (AS-101) 1117
till 27/10 5H2DK: Tanzania 1117
till 27/10 KG4WV and KG4KL: Guantanamo Bay 1118
till 31/10 PB100PREFIX: special station 1117
till 01/11 PJ6/G4IUF: Saba (NA-145) 1117
till 01/11 V47JA: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1117
till 04/11 VQ9JC and VQ92JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006), Chagos 1119
till November JW2US: Bear Island (EU-027) 1108
till 15/12 5H3NP: Tanzania 1118
till 31/12 4G0LD: special event call (Philippines) 1079
till 31/12 6D0LM: special callsign (Mexico) 1091
till 31/12 7T50I and 7U50I: special event stations (Algeria) 1105
till 31/12 7V50I and 7Y50I: special event stations (Algeria) 1105
till 31/12 9A20: special prefixes (Croatia) 1078
till 31/12 DL150BH: special event station 1079
till 31/12 EI100T: special callsign 1087
till 31/12 EI80IRTS: special callsign 1080
till 31/12 GB80PW: special callsign 1079
till 31/12 LX75RL: special callsign 1080
till 31/12 ON85RCL: special callsign 1107
till 31/12 P3EU: special callsign (Cyprus) 1099
till 31/12 S555E and S55CERKNO: special callsigns 1089
till 31/12 SX9S: special callsign (Crete, EU-015) 1101
till 31/12 TC50TRAC/***: special stations 1087
till 31/12 TM70TRS: special callsign (France) 1080
till 02/2013 DP0GVN: Neumayer Station III (Antarctica) 1087
till 20/03/2013 JX9JKA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) 1089
13/10-16/10 7L4PVR/1 and 7N1GMK/1: Hachijo Island (AS-043) 1118
13/10-15/10 KH0/JA1FMN: Saipan (OC-086) 1118
13/10-16/10 JA1UNS/1 and JI1PLF/1: Hachijo Island (AS-043) 1118
13/10-14/10 SI9AM (King Chulalongkorn Memorial ARS) 1119
14/10-07/11 J79WE: Dominica (NA-101) 1119
15/10-03/11 9M8DX/2: West Malaysia 1119
15/10-28/10 EA8/DL3FCG: Canary Islands (AF-004) 1119
15/10-19/10 TX5EG: Raiatea (OC-067), French Polynesia 1119
15/10-18/10 W4/SP5APW: Clearwater Island (NA-034) 1118
16/10-23/10 3B9SP: Rodrigues Island (AF-017) 1115
16/10-15/11 ON44CLM: special event station 1119
16/10-25/10 T30PY and T30SIX: Western Kiribati (OC-017) 1119
18/10-22/10 AH0J, WA2O/KH0, WS2M/KH0, WS2Y/KH0: Tinian (OC-086) 1119
18/10-09/12 H44MS: Solomon Islands 1117
18/10-23/10 JA1NLX/VK4: Hamilton Island (OC-160) 1117
18/10-22/10 NH0J: Tinian Island (OC-086) 1119
18/10-22/10 SU55J: special event station 1115
18/10-29/10 XX9TPX, XX9TFR, XX9TBM, XX9TEX: Coloane (AS-075) 1118
19/10-22/10 9J2GF: Zambia 1119
19/10-06/11 FO/F4GYP and TX4FO: French Polynesia 1115
19/10-22/10 TX5EG: Tahaa (OC-067), French Polynesia 1119
20/10-31/10 EA6/AA5UK: Balearic Islands (EU-004) 1119
20/10-21/10 GB2JTA: Guernsey (EU-114) 1119
20/10-27/10 MS0WRC: South Uist (EU-010) 1118
20/10-24/10 P29VCX: Emirau Island (OC-103) 1117
20/10-05/11 S79LC: Praslin Island (AF-024) 1119
20/10-30/10 TO2A: French Guiana 1119
21/10-02/11 CT9/DJ5KW, CT9/DK8VC: Madeira (AF-014) 1119
21/10-02/11 CT9/DL1EK, CT9/DH4JQ, CT9/DF4UM: Madeira (AF-014) 1119
21/10-26/10 K9YNF/4: Bogue Banks (NA-112) 1116
21/10-31/10 S79UN and S79YY: Praslin Island (AF-024) 1119
21/10-30/10 V31MW: Belize 1119
22/10-28/10 EA9/SP7VC: Ceuta 1119
22/10-26/10 TX5EG: Maupiti (OC-067), French Polynesia 1119
22/10-31/10 WA4DAN/CY0 and AA4VK/CY0: Sable Island (NA-063) 1118
22/10-25/10 Z21GF: Zimbabwe 1119
23/10-30/10 VP5/WA2VYA, VP5/K4QE, VP5/N2VW: Caicos (NA-002) 1119
26/10-04/11 5V7TH: Togo 1118
26/10-29/10 D9K: Pigum Island (AS-060) 1119
26/10-04/11 HS0ZJF/9: Koh Butang (AS-126) 1117
26/10-29/10 XX9TTT: Coloane Island (AS-075) 1117
27/10-03/11 3D2PT: Tavarua (OC-121), Fiji 1118
27/10-28/10 CR3L: Madeira (AF-014) 1119
27/10-08/11 TX5EG: Huahine (OC-067), French Polynesia 1119
27/10-31/10 P29NI: Tatau Island (OC-099) 1117
27/10-28/10 VP5T: Caicos Islands (NA-002) 1119
30/10-26/12 9M2MRS: Penang Island (AS-015) 1111
October OD5/IV3XNF: Lebanon 1095
October T6LG: Afghanistan 1111
01/11-09/11 ZL7A: Chatham Islands (OC-038) 1116
02/11-04/11 P29VPB Lihir Island (OC-069) 1117
02/11-07/11 YB8XM: Babar Island (OC-271, new one) 1116
04/11-09/11 C6AXY: New Providence (NA-001), Bahamas 1117
05/11-22/11 5Z4/SM1TDE: Kenya 1113
06/11-09/11 P29VCX: Buka Island (OC-135) 1117
09/11-12/11 P29VCX: Manu Island (OC-025) 1117
10/11-09/12 5R8IC: Sainte-Marie Island (AF-090) 1119
10/11-22/11 PT0S: St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks (SA-014) 1109
11/11-23/11 V84SMD: Brunei (OC-088) 1100
12/11-30/11 E51ABS, E51BZD, E51CHX: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cook 1119
12/11-30/11 E51C: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cook 1119
12/11-14/11 P29VCX: Loloata Island (OC-240) 1117
18/11-08/12 E51TLA: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks 1109
18/11-01/12 PJ4D Bonaire (SA-006) 1119
18/11-24/11 PJ7XK and PJ7I: Sint Maarten (NA-105) 1119
18/11-19/11 ZV7O: special event station 1119
23/11-03/12 7P8D: Lesotho 1087
24/11-10/12 5T0SP: Mauritania 1111
28/11-09/12 ZL9HR: Campbell Island (OC-037) 1112
November T6LG: Afghanistan 1111
07/12-11/12 C6AVA: Berry Islands (NA-054) 1117
December T6LG: Afghanistan 1111
January T6LG: Afghanistan 1111
06/02-18/02/2012 5X1C: Uganda 1117
18/02-28/02/2013 H44KW: Guadalcanal (OC-047), Solomon Islands 1117
28/02-10/03/2013 TX5K: Clipperton Island (NA-011) 1097
February 9U4U: Burundi 1119
February T6LG: Afghanistan 1111
25/03-10/04/2013 T33A: Banaba Island (OC-018) 1116
27/04-04/05/2013 TS8IT: Djerba Island (AF-083) 1117




Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia


425DXN #1119

Posted on October 14, 2012 in DXing by iz7auh

13 October 2012 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1119
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
5R - Once again Eric, F6ICX will be active as 5R8IC from Sainte-Marie
Island (AF-090) from 10 November to 9 December. He will operate
mainly CW, with some RTTY, PSK63 and SSB, on 40-10 metres. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
9J - Gert, ZS6AYU will be active as 9J2GF from Zambia on 19-22 October.
He will be QRV on 40-10 metres CW. QSL via home call, direct or
9M - Mirek, VK6DXI will be active as 9M8DX from Kuching, East Malaysia
on until 15 October. Main activity will be during the Oceania DX
Contest (CW); outside the contest he will operate SSB and on 30,
17 and 12 metres. From 15 October to 3 November he will be active
in his spare time as 9M8DX/2 from Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia. QSL
via SP5UAF.
9U - An international team from Belgium, the Netherlands and Scotland
will be active from Burundi (requested call 9U4U) during the
second half of February 2013. They plan to have ten operators and
four stations. Further information will follow in due course. A
website is under construction. [TNX ON4ATW]
CN - CN8VO, CN2OS (PD0JOS) and CN2LO (ON4LO) are active on 80-10 metres
SSB as 5D7AT from Agadir, Morocco until 21 October. QSL via ON4LO,
direct or bureau.
CT9 - DL1EK, DH4JQ, DF4UM, DJ5KW and DK8VC will be active as CT9/
homecall from Madeira (AF-014) from 21 October to 2 November. QSL
via home calls. They will participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest
as CR3L (QSL via DJ6QT). [TNX NG3K]
E5_sc - Frank, HB9BXU and other operators from Switzerland will be active
holiday style as E51C, E51ABS, E51BZD and E51CHX from Aitutaki
(OC-083), South Cook Islands on 12-30 November. Look for them
between 19 and 12 UTC on SSB (3799, 7070, 14190, 18145, 21290,
24950 and 28490 kHz), CW (3505, 7020, 10104, 14024, 18080, 21024,
24894 and 28024 kHz) and PSK31 (3580, 7035, 10139, 14070, 18100,
21070, 24920 and 28120 kHz). QSL via HB9BXU. [TNX HB9BXU]
EA6 - Once again Adrian, AA5UK will be active as EA6/AA5UK from Ibiza,
Balearic Islands (EU-004) on 20-31 October, including an entry in
the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. He will operate holiday style on 80-10
metres SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via home call, direct or bureau,
plus LoTW and eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA8 - Look for Mike, EA8/DL3FCG to be active from Tenerife, Canary
Islands (AF-004) on 15-28 October. He will operate CW, SSB, RTTY.
PSK and JT65 on 80-10 metres, and will take part in the WAG and
CQWW SSB Contests. QSL via home call. [TNX DX Newsletter]
EA9 - Mek, SP7VC will be active as EA9/SP7VC from Ceuta on 22-28
October. He will operate holiday style on 160-10 metres SSB,
including an entry in the CQWW SSB Contest. QSL via home call and
FO - TX5EG is the special callsign issued to Didier F6BCW, who is
visiting French Polynesia until 8 November [425DXN 1111]. He will
be active from various islands in IOTA group OC-067: from Huahine
until 15 October, followed by Raiatea (15-19 October), Tahaa
(19-22 October), Maupiti (22-26 October)and again Huahine (27
October-8 November). He operates CW only with 100 watts and
dipoles. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
FY - Rich, N6KT will be active as TO2A from French Guiana on 20-30
October, including participation in the CQWW SSB Contest. QSL via
KU9C. [TNX DX World]
GU - Members of the Guernsey Amateur Radio Society and Guernsey RAYNET
group will set up a station to take part in the 55th Jamboree On
The Air (JOTA) on 20-21 October. Look for GB2JTA to be active from
Guernsey (EU-114) on the HF and VHF bands as conditions permit.
QSL via bureau or direct to the address on
HL - The Korean Contest Club will be active as D9K from Pigum Island
(AS-060) on 26-29 October, CQWW DX SSB Contest included. QSL via
J7 - Volker, DL8WEM will be active as J79WE from Dominica (NA-101) from
14 October to 7 November. He plans to operate mainly CW on 30, 17
and 12 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
KH0 - Kit JA1NVF, Kowata JF7ELG, Miho JJ2VLY and Yutaka JQ2GYU will be
active from Tinian Island (OC-086) on 18-22 October. They will be
QRV on 80-6 metres CW, SSB and some RTTY/PSK. They will operate as
NH0J (QSL via JJ2VLY) and/or their individual callsigns: AH0J (QSL
via JA1NVF), WA2O/KH0 (QSL via JF7ELG), WS2M/KH0 (QSL via JJ2VLY)
and WS2Y/KH0 (QSL via JQ2GYU). [TNX DX World]
OJ0 - Weather permitting, SM0CXU, SM0BYD and SM0W expect to be active as
OJ0R from Market Reef (EU-053) until 16 October, including
participation in this weekend's Scandinavian Activity Contest
ON - Special event station ON44CLM will be active from 16 October to 15
November in remembrance of the November 1944 liberation of Knokke
by Canadian Armed forces. QSL via ON3AIM.
PJ4 - N0VD (, W4PA and possibly others will be active as
PJ4D from Bonaire (SA-006) from 18 November to 1 December. They
expect to be active on all bands SSB and CW, with some RTTY if
time permits, and to participate in the CQWW CW Contest "in one
form or another". QSL via W3HNK. [TNX N0VD]
PJ7 - Kazu, 7L4XDT (PJ7XK) and Masa, JN3NFQ (PJ7I) will be active from
Sint Maarten (NA-105) on 18-24 November. They will have two
stations and be active on the HF bands and 6 metres CW, SSB and
digital modes. QSL PJ7XK via 7L4XDT, QSL PJ7I via JG2BRI.
Logsearch will be provided by Club Log.
PY - Special event station ZV7O will be active on 18-19 November during
Fliporto 2012, the International Literary Festival of Pernambuco.
QSL via PY7JN. Further information on [TNX PY7ZZ]
S7 - Luca I5IHE will be active as S79LC from Praslin Island (AF-024),
Seychelles from 20 October to 5 November. From 21 October to the
31st he will be joined by Simone, IK5RUN (S79UN) and Danio, I5OYY
(S79YY). Look for activity on 40-10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. They
might also give 160 and 80 metres a try. QSL via home calls
(direct) and LoTW "within 6 months".
SM - SA3BPG, SA3BRX, SM3CER, SM3EAE, SM3UQO and SM5SIC will be active
from SI9AM (the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Amateur Radio Society, in Ragunda on 13-14 October, including an entry in
the Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC) SSB. Outside the contest
they will be on 160-10 metres CW and SSB. QSL via SM3CVM, direct
or via bureau.
T30 - Announced frequencies for the 16-25 October T30PY expedition to
Tarawa, Western Kiribati [425DXN 1094] are:
CW 28024 24894 21024 18084 14024 10124 7024 3524 1831.5
SSB 28495 24945 21295 18145 14195 - 7085 3795 -
RTTY 28080 24920 21080 18102 14080 - 7038 3580 -
Also, look for T30SIX to be used on 50110 kHz for "propagation
checking calls"; they will move to 50120 kHz SSB and 50102 kHz CW
"as soon as activity peeks up". EME frequency will be 50198 kHz
WSJT-JT65A. Ten operators (PT2OP, PY2DM, PY2PT, PY2WAS, PY2XB,
PY3MM, PY4BZ, PY5HSD, PY7XC and PY7ZY) will be active with four
stations from two different sites. QSL via PY2PT. Detailed QSLling
policy can be found at
UA - Vladimir, UA0LCZ will be active as UA0LCZ/p from Popov Island
(AS-066) until 15 October. Look for him on or around 3507, 7007,
10107, 14017, 18077, 21017, 24897 and 28017 kHz. He will
participate in the Oceania DX Contest (CW). QSL via home call.
V3 - Rich, N0HJZ will be active as V31MW from Belize on 21-30 October,
including an entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest. Outside the contest
he will concentrate on 30, 17 and 12 metres and CW. QSL via N0HJZ.
VE - Noel, VE2BR and Gregg, VE3ZZ will participate in the CQWW DX SSB
Contest as VC2B (Multi-Single) from Mercier, Quebec (Zone 5). QSL
via VE2BR, direct or bureau. [TNX VE3ZZ]
VP5 - Frank WA2VYA, Tony K4QE and Jack N2VW will be active from
Providenciales (NA-002), Turks & Caicos Islands on 23-30 October.
They will participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest as VP5T (QSL via
N2VW and LoTW); before and after the contest they will operate CW
and 30, 17 and 12 metres. [TNX NG3K]
VQ9 - For the sixth year in a row Jim, VQ9JC (ND9M) will use a special
prefix from Diego Garcia (AF-006), and will be active as VQ92JC
from 20 October through 4 November. After that he will return to
the US. Look for him to be QRV in the 1200-1600 UTC time frame. He
is still operating Field Day style from recreational park [425DXN
1110], with 100 watts to a dipole. Also expect some activity
during the CQWW SSB Contest. QSL via ND9M. [TNX VQ9JC]
Z2 - Gert, ZS6AYU will be active as Z21GF from Zimbabwe on 22-25
October. He will be QRV on 40-10 metres CW. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau.
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The September 2012 issue is now available for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]
AZORES NINE ISLANDS HUNT ---> The lottery draw for two free travel packages
to the Azores will take place at DARC Headquarters in Kassel, Germany at
1100 UTC on 15 October. The winners will be announced immediately hereafter
JOTA ---> The Jamboree on the Air is an annual event in which half a
million Scouts and Guides all over the world make contact with each other
by means of amateur radio. The 55th edition will take place on 20-21
October. Specific "contest-free frequencies" for 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10
metres have been agreed with the organizers of the concurrent WAG Contest
in order to avoid interference between the two events. Check
W/VE ISLANDS ---> The W/VE Islands QSO Party will take place from 16 UTC on
20 October through 23.59 UTC on the 21st. Complete information can be found
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3D2AG/p, 4S7QHG, 4S7UJG, 5B4AIF,
5R8UI, 5T0JL, 8P6AZ, 9A205AN, 9A5AN, 9J2JA, 9M2/R6AF/p (AS-097)9M2CNC,
9M4SLL, 9M6XRO, A45XR, A71BU, BD7LMD, BY1WXD/5 (AS-138), C91LW, CO2OQ,
V84SHM, V85TL, VK9PN, VP2MDD, VU2GSM, XP2I, YW5B (SA-037).
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia

IJ7T: Riattivazione Isola di San Pietro EU-073

Posted on August 27, 2012 in Articoli, DXing by iz7auh

Dopo la bella esperienza dello scorso anno, abbiamo deciso di tornarci, l’accoglienza dello Staff della Marina Militare è stata di tutto punto, probabilmente abbian lasciato un buon ricordo, i tre girni sono trascorsi rapidamente, non sono mancante le belle abbuffate organizzate dal buon Ivan IZ7NLZ ed è stata l’occasione di conoscere meglio IK7MOF Pino ed Aurelio IZ8EGM, con i quali era la prima volta con i quali condividevo l’esperienza.

Anche questa volta, scesi a terra abbiam sentito la “nostalgia” del posto…. che dire…. TORNEREMO!

Ecco una bella galleria fotografica, presto anche il video.


73 IZ7AUH Frank